Bullseye Pistol League

What is Bullseye Pistol League?

We shoot two relays every Tuesday for fourteen weeks starting around the second Tuesday of May depending on weather. The first relay starts at 4pm, second relay at 6pm. shooters can shoot one or both depending on space. The pistols to use are any .22 or center fire capable of holding five rounds. The course of fire is 20 rounds slow fire at fifty yards, 20 rounds timed fire and 20 rounds rapid fire. Timed and rapid are fired at 25 yards. Timed is five rounds loaded and fired in 20 seconds. Rapid is five rounds loaded and fired in 10 seconds at turning targets. Slow fire at 50 yards is 10 shots in 10 minutes. After each 10 shots fired, scoring takes place. All firing is done one hand held with no supports.